Lecture Course

September-October 2019
University Groningen

    Rien van de Weygaert,

                      ZG 186,   tel. 3634086,

Teaching assistants:
     Roi Kugul
     Alex Taun


      The first lecture will be on wednesday September 11, 15:00-17:45 !!!!
      The first tutorial lecture will be on wednesday September 18, 17:00-19:00 !!!!

Required Knowledge:

There are no real requirements (except the usual basic knowledge of first and second year mathematics, physics and astrophysics. Although some familiarity with General Relativity will facilitate insight into the Universe, the lectures in the first week will provide the necessary background.


The lecture schedule will be:

      Tuesday      11:00-13:00      hoorcollege     ZG 161

      Wednesday 15:00-17:00      hoorcollege     ZG 161    

      Wednesday 17:00-19:00      werkcollege/tutorial     ZG 161/ZG257    


The exam will consist of three/four elements:

      written exam -- thursday October 31, 08:30-11:30, Aletta Jacobshal

      homework assignments (incl. computer assignments)

General Information:

Practical information on the course -- literature, provisional schedule, topics presentation -- you may find in:

     General Lecture Information


The course will be based upon

     Lecture notes,
        to be distributed during the course,
        via this webpage & via nestor

     Introduction to Cosmology
        Barbara Ryden
        Introduction to Cosmology

        Cambridge Univ. Press, 2016 (2nd ed.)

        ISBN 1107154834 (hardcover)

This book entails a really fabulous introduction to the basic concepts of cosmology, nearly entirely up to date. It is one of the few textbooks really fun reading, a marvel of didactic writing. In particular for the later stages of the lecture series -- Cosmic Microwave Background, Cosmic Nucleosynthesis, Inflation -- I will assume you have the book.

In addition, there are three general cosmology books that from time to time you may wish to consult (but which are not obligatory fare for this course !!!). They are somewhat more demanding than the Ryden book, yet contain a lot of useful information,

     Cosmological Physics
        John Peacock
        Cambridge University Press, 1998

        ISBN 0521422701 (paper)

     Precision Cosmology
        Bernard J.T. Jones
        Cambridge University Press, 2017

        ISBN 0521554330

     Cosmology, The Origin and Evolution of Cosmic Structure
        P. Coles, F. Lucchin
        Wiley, 2n edition, 2002

        ISBN 0471489093

        S. Weinberg
        Oxford Univ. Press

        ISBN 0198526822

     Principles of Physical Cosmology
        P.J.E. Peebles
        Princeton Univ. Press

        ISBN 0691074283

     the Early Universe
        M. Turner, E. Kolb
        Addison Wesley, 1988

Lecture Notes:

Below you find a listing which will gradually be updated. You may download the pdf and ppt files.

      Fundamental Questions                                     pptx
         Fundamental Questions                                     pdf

      Cosmology Timeline                                         pptx
         Cosmology Timeline                                         pdf

      Gravity: Ruler of the Universe                           pptx
         Gravity: Ruler of the Universe                           pdf

      General Relativity                                               pdf

      the FRLW universe                                             pptx
         the FRLW universe                                             pdf
      the Cosmological Principle: the Evidence          ppt
         the Cosmological Principle: the Evidence          pdf

Tentamen/Written Exam

The written exam is on:

      Thursday October 31, 08:30-11:30; Aletta Jacobshal

Werkcollege (tutorials)

Attached you find the files with the werkcollege assignments.

Important: the assignments that were not completed during the werkcollege/tutorial class, you are expected to complete at home. Completed - and complete - assignment sets should be turned in to your tutorial assistents Alex Taun and Roi Kugul (at the tutorial 2 weeks later).. Completed and approved tasks are required for completion of the course.

Thus: please turn them in to your tutor (ie. me) !

For questions and advice on the tasks you are of course welcome to contact your TAs. Alex Taun & Roi Kugul !

For searching the astronomical literature the two most important website to consult are those of

     ADS:       NASA Astrophysics Data System
     astro-ph:   astrophysics e-print server

Notice that ADS allows you to expand your literature search via the references of the paper under consideration, as well as the links to the papers that refer to it. While using this possibility wisely you may quickly find most relevant studies. Also notice that the links of ADS to the journals in which the papers are published may need you to use your student number + password for the University library, or you have registered with the University Library, when working from outside the university (e.g. from home). Otherwise you will not be able to use the university subscription to these journals.

Interesting Literature

During the course several papers relating to the lecture content will be handed out.
Here you may download them (will be updated during the course).

      Discovery Hubble Expansion
         Hubble E., 1929, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 15 (5 pp.)
      Observational Tests World Models
         Sandage A., 1988, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys. 26, 561
      Discovery Cosmic Microwave Background
         Penzias A.A. & Wilson R.W., 1965, Astrophys. J. 142, 419
      Discovery & Explanation Cosmic Microwave Background
         Dick R.H., Peebles P.J.E., Roll P.G., Wilkinson D.T., 1965, Astrophys. J. 142, 414
      SNIa discovery Lambda: High-z Supernova Search Team
         Riess et al., 1998, Astron. J., 116, 1009
      SNIa discovery Lambda: Supernova Cosmology Project
         Perlmutter et al., 1999, Astrophys. J., 517, 565
      Scale Factors & critical values Lambda in Friedmann universes
         Felten J.E., 1986, Rev. Mod. Phys. 58, 689
      Rindler: visual horizons in world models
         Rindler W., 1956, MNRAS, 116, 662
      Harrison: Hubble spheres and Particle horizons
         Harrison, E., 1991, Astrophys. J., 383, 60
      Guth: Inflationary Universe
         Guth, A.H., 1981, Phys.Rev.D., 23, 347