All sky plots and graticules

All Sky plots

An all sky plot is a plot where the range in longitude is [0,360> and the range in latitude is [-90,90>. There are many examples in Calabretta’s article Representations of celestial coordinates in FITS We tried to reproduce these figures both to prove that the modules in the Kapteyn Package have the functionality to do it and to facilitate users who want to set up an all-sky plot with module maputils. For this purpose we created for each figure the minimal required FITS headers. Header and other code is listed below the examples. In the HTML documentation, click on the hires link to get a plot which shows more details. With the information in this document, it should be easy to compose a Python program that creates just a single plot which then can be enhanced to fit your needs.

The first plot is a stand alone version. The others are generated with different Python scripts and the service module (see also the source code at the end of this document).

from kapteyn import maputils
from numpy import arange
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

dec0 = 89.9999999999   # Avoid plotting on the wrong side
header = {'NAXIS'  :  2, 
          'NAXIS1' :  100, 'NAXIS2': 80,
          'CTYPE1' : 'RA---TAN',
          'CRVAL1' :  0.0, 'CRPIX1' : 50, 'CUNIT1' : 'deg', 
          'CDELT1' : -5.0, 'CTYPE2' : 'DEC--TAN',
          'CRVAL2' :  dec0, 'CRPIX2' : 40, 
          'CUNIT2' : 'deg', 'CDELT2' : 5.0,
X = arange(0,360.0,15.0)
Y = [20, 30,45, 60, 75]

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7,6))
frame = fig.add_axes((0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8))
f = maputils.FITSimage(externalheader=header)
annim = f.Annotatedimage(frame)
grat = annim.Graticule(wylim=(20.0,90.0), wxlim=(0,360),
                       startx=X, starty=Y)
lon_world = list(range(0,360,30))
lat_world = [20, 30, 60, 90]
grat.setp_lineswcs1(20, color='g', linestyle='--')

# Plot labels inside the plot
lon_constval = None
lat_constval = 20
lon_kwargs = {'color':'r', 'fontsize':15}
lat_kwargs = {'color':'b', 'fontsize':10}
                  world=lon_world, constval=lat_constval, 
                  world=lat_world, constval=lon_constval, 
# Set title for Matplotlib
titlepos = 1.02
title = r"Gnomonic projection (TAN) diverges at $\theta=0^\circ$. (Cal. fig.8)"
t = frame.set_title(title, color='g')

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)


The recipe

The next session shows a gallery of all sky plots, all based on the same recipe.

  • One starts with a self-made header which ensures a complete coverage of the sky by stretching the values of the CDELT’s.

  • Then an object from class maputils.Annotatedimage.Graticule is created with explicit limits for the world coordinates in both directions.

  • For these plots we don’t have intersections of the graticule with an enclosing rectangle so we cannot plot standard axis labels for the coordinates. Instead we use method wcsgrat.Graticule.Insidelabels() to plot labels inside the plot. In the plots we show different examples how one can manipulate these labeling.

Source code of the service module

from kapteyn import maputils, tabarray
import numpy
import sys
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

__version__ = '2.0'

epsilon = 0.0000000001

def radians(a):
   return a*numpy.pi/180.0

def degrees(a):
   return a*180.0/numpy.pi

def cylrange():
   X = numpy.arange(0,400.0,30.0); 
   # Replace last two (dummy) values by two values around 180 degrees   
   X[-1] = 180.0 - epsilon
   X[-2] = 180.0 + epsilon
   return X

def polrange(): 
   X = numpy.arange(0,380.0,15); 
   # Replace last two (dummy) values by two values around 180 degrees   
   X[-1] = 180.0 - epsilon
   X[-2] = 180.0 + epsilon
   return X

def getperimeter(grat):
   # Calculate perimeter of QUAD projection 
   xlo, y = grat.gmap.topixel((-45.0-epsilon, 0.0))
   xhi, y = grat.gmap.topixel((315+epsilon, 0.0))
   x, ylo = grat.gmap.topixel((180, -45))
   x, yhi = grat.gmap.topixel((180, 45))
   x1, y = grat.gmap.topixel((45-epsilon, 0.0))
   x, ylolo = grat.gmap.topixel((0, -135+epsilon))
   x, yhihi = grat.gmap.topixel((0, 135-epsilon))
   perimeter = [(xlo,ylo), (x1,ylo), (x1,ylolo), (xhi,ylolo), (xhi,yhihi),
                (x1,yhihi), (x1,yhi), (xlo,yhi), (xlo,ylo)]
   return perimeter

def plotcoast(fn, frame, grat, col='k', lim=100, decim=5, plotsym=None, sign=1.0):
   coasts = tabarray.tabarray(fn, comchar='s')  # Read two columns from file
   for segment in coasts.segments:
      coastseg = coasts[segment].T
      xw = sign * coastseg[1]; yw = coastseg[0] # First one appears to be Latitude
      xs = xw; ys = yw                          # Reset lists which store valid pos.
      if 1:
         # Mask arrays if outside plot box
         xp, yp = grat.gmap.topixel((numpy.array(xs),numpy.array(ys)))
         # Be sure you understand 
         # the operator precedence: (a > 2) | (a < 5) is the proper syntax 
         # because a > 2 | a < 5 will result in an error due to the fact 
         # that 2 | a is evaluated first.
         xp = |
                              (xp > grat.pxlim[1]) | (xp < grat.pxlim[0]), xp)
         yp = |
                              (yp > grat.pylim[1]) | (yp < grat.pylim[0]), yp)
         # Mask array could be of type numpy.bool_ instead of numpy.ndarray
         if numpy.isscalar(xp.mask):
            xp.mask = numpy.array(xp.mask, 'bool')
         if numpy.isscalar(yp.mask):
            yp.mask = numpy.array(yp.mask, 'bool')
         # Count the number of positions in this list that are inside the box
         xdc = []; ydc = []
         for i in range(len(xp)):
            if not xp.mask[i] and not yp.mask[i]:
               if not i%decim:
         if len(xdc) >= lim:
            if plotsym == None:
               frame.plot(xdc, ydc, color=col)
               frame.plot(xdc, ydc, '.', markersize=1, color=col)

# Set defaults which can be overwritten by the scripts
title = ''
titlepos = 1.02
dec0 = 89.9999999999
fsize = 10
figsize = (7,6)
drawgrid = False
grat = None
smallversion = False
plotbox = (0.1,0.05,0.8,0.8)
markerpos = "120 deg 60 deg"

def doplot(frame, fignum, annim, grat, title, 
           lon_world=None, lat_world=None, 
           lon_constval=None, lat_constval=None,
           lon_fmt=None, lat_fmt=None,
           plotdata=False, perimeter=None, drawgrid=None, 
           smallversion=False, addangle0=0.0, addangle1=0.0, 
           framebgcolor=None, deltapx0=0.0, deltapy0=0.0,
           deltapx1=0.0, deltapy1=0.0,
           labkwargs0={'color':'r'}, labkwargs1={'color':'b'}):
# Apply some extra settings
   if framebgcolor != None:

   # Plot coastlines if required
   if plotdata:
      if fignum == 36:
         plotcoast('WDB/world.txt', frame, grat, col='k', lim=100)
         plotcoast('WDB/world.txt', frame, grat, col='r', lim=50, 
                    decim=20, plotsym=',', sign=-1)

   if lon_constval == None:
      lon_constval = 0.0    # Reasonable for all sky plots
   if lat_constval == None:
      lat_constval = 0.0    # Reasonable for all sky plots
   if lon_fmt == None:
      lon_fmt = 'Dms'
   if lat_fmt == None:
      lat_fmt = 'Dms'
   # Plot labels inside graticule if required
   ilabs1 = grat.Insidelabels(wcsaxis=0, 
                        world=lon_world, constval=lat_constval, 
                        deltapx=deltapx0, deltapy=deltapy0, 
                        addangle=addangle0, fmt=lon_fmt, **labkwargs0)
   ilabs2 = grat.Insidelabels(wcsaxis=1, 
                        world=lat_world, constval=lon_constval, 
                        deltapx=deltapx1, deltapy=deltapy1, 
                        addangle=addangle1, fmt=lat_fmt, **labkwargs1)

   # Plot just 1 pixel c.q. marker
   if markerpos != None:
      annim.Marker(pos=markerpos, marker='o', color='red')

   if drawgrid:
      pixellabels = annim.Pixellabels(plotaxis=(2,3))

   # Plot the title
   title = "Fig. %d: "%fignum + title
   if smallversion:
      t = frame.set_title(title, color='g', fontsize=10)
      t = frame.set_title(title, color='g', fontsize=13, linespacing=1.5)
   # Plot alternative borders. Do this after the graticule is plotted
   # Only then you know the frame of the graticule and plotting in that
   # frame will overwrite graticule lines so that the borders look better
   if perimeter != None:
      p = plt.Polygon(perimeter, facecolor='#d6eaef', lw=2)
      frame.add_patch(p)     # Must be in frame specified by user
      Xp, Yp = list(zip(*perimeter))
      grat.frame.plot(Xp, Yp, color='r')
