Rien van de Weygaert,
ZG 186, tel. 3634086,
Lectures: Announcements: Required Knowledge: Exam: Lecture Notes:
The lecture schedule will be:n
Monday 09:00-10:45 hoorcollege/lecture ZG161
Tuesday 13:00-15:00 hoorcollege/lecture ZG161
Friday 11:00-13:00 werkcollege/tutorial Energy Academy 194
You certainly should have followed the basic lecture course "Cosmology".
Although it will be helpful when you have followed "Cosmic Structure Formation", this is not
a requisite.
The exam will be in the form of a presentation and (critical) report (20 pages) on a particular topic
and/or key scientific publication.
The course is based upon the lecture notes, summerschool lecture notes and review/lecture papers.
Below you find a listing of the notes.
Generals pdf
Cosmic Web: Setting the Scene pdf
Cosmic Web: Observational Probes pdf
Cosmic Web: Dynamics pdf
Cosmic Web: Identication & Classification pdf
Cosmic Web: Cosmic Voids pdf
The following review/lecture papers will be part of the course:
Clusters and the Theory of the Cosmic Web pdf
van de Weygaert & Bond 2008a;
A Pan-Chromatic View of Clusters and the Large-Scale Structure;
Lecture notes in Physics 740;
eds. M. Plionis, O. Lopez-Cruz, D. Hughes
Observations and Morphology of the Cosmic Web pdf
van de Weygaert & Bond 2008b;
A Pan-Chromatic View of Clusters and the Large-Scale Structure;
Lecture notes in Physics 740;
eds. M. Plionis, O. Lopez-Cruz, D. Hughes
Geometric Analysis of the Cosmic Web pdf
van de Weygaert & Schaap 2009;
Data Analysis in Cosmology;
Lecture notes in Physics 665;
eds. V. Martinez, E. Saar, E. Martinez-Gonzalez, M. Pons-Borderia
Bayesian large-scale structure inference; pdf
Leclercq 2015;
Bayesian large-scale structure inference and cosmic web analysis;
PhD thesis, Inst. d'Astrophysique de Paris (IAP), 2015;