
My outreach forms part of the extensive outreach programme of the Kapteyn Institute. It is our goal to use astronomy to interest children, students, and everyone in society into science. For this we use natural phenomena, such as eclipses and transits, as an excuse to organise activities. We rfegularly organise activiteit on our campus, centered on tours to the Blaauw Observatory, with talks on current topics, mobile planetarium shows, etc. On top of that there are activities for children, involving a lot of volunteers of the Kapteyn Institute. We always participate in Zpannend Zernike, the Nacht van de Nacht, en de Landelijke Sterrenkijkdagen. Since recently, we also organise activities in Lauwersoog. We regularly appear in the press, including local and national TV, and newspapers. As long as we don't have an outreach coordinator, I play this role, with the help of studentcpoordinator Nynke Visser and .several other students.