Fall Term 2004
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Full listing Aug-Dec 2004
Unless otherwise indicated, the regular seminar venue and time are:
Kapteyn Institute, Zernike Gebouw
Zernike Complex, Landleven 12, Groningen:
Room ZG161
Mondays, at 16:00 (4 pm)
Kapteyn Colloquia Schedules
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aug-dec 2002
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jan-jul 2004
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Seminar Dinner
Fabrice's dinner appointment
For questions, suggestions (seminar speakers !!!!!) and comments, please do not hesitate to contact:
Rien van de Weijgaert
room 186, tel. 31-(0)50-3634086
Coming Seminars
Next Seminar
Full listing Aug-Dec 2004
August 30
Russ Shipman
SRON, Groningen
The Rosette Nebula:
Those Dirty Details
September 6
Clovis Hopman
Fac. Physics, Weizman Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
The Swansong of Stars orbiting
Massive Black Holes
September 7
!! tuesday, 4pm: nonstandard seminar day !!
Igor Karachentsev
Special Astroph. Observ., Karachaevo-Cherkesia, Russia
The Local Universe:
population, structure, velocity field
September 9
!! thursday, 4pm: nonstandard seminar day !!
Antonella Maselli
Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Firenze, Italia
Proximity Effect Around High-redshift Galaxies
September 13
Ad van den Berg
KVI, Groningen
From Nuclear to Particle Astrophysics
September 21
!! tuesday, 4pm: nonstandard seminar day !!
Arlette de Waard
Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden
the first spherical gravitational wave detector
September 27
Helen Fraser
Sterrewacht Leiden, Leiden
CO'ded' messages ?
What can we learn about Star Forming Regions from Surface Chemistry
September 28
!!! tuesday, 4 pm: nonstandard seminar day !!!
Oort Professor Colloquium
Rashid Sunyaev
Max Planck Institut fuer Astrophysik, Garching, Germany/
Space Research Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Cosmic Microwave Background:
Clusters of Galaxies and Cosmology
September 29
!!! wednesday, 4 pm: nonstandard seminar day !!!
Emilio Romano-Diaz
Kapteyn Institute, Groningen
Probing cosmic velocity flows in the Local Universe
October 4
NOVA colloquium
Eva Grebel
Astron. Institut, Univ. Basel, Switzerland
The Violent Local Group:
A History of Accretion and Survival
October 5
!!! tuesday, 4 pm: nonstandard seminar day !!!
Victor Flambaum
Dept. Theor. Physics, Univ. New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Effects of variation of fundamental constants
from Big Bang to atomic clocks
October 11
Peter Woitke
Sterrewacht Leiden, Leiden
Multi-dimensional models for dust-driven AGB star winds
October 12
!!! tuesday, 4 pm: nonstandard seminar day !!!
NOVA colloquium
Luis Ho
Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, USA
Nuclear Activity in the Local Universe
October 18
NOVA colloquium
Massimo Stiavelli
STScI, Baltimore, USA
the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
October 25
Blaauw Professor Colloquium
Ken Freeman
Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics, Mount Stromlo Observatory, Australia
Galactic Disks
November 1
Blaauw Professor Colloquium
Joe Silk
Dept. Astron., Univ. Oxford, UK
Some Current Issues in Star and Galaxy Formation Theory
November 4
!!! thursday, 4 pm: nonstandard seminar day !!!
Julio Navarro
Dept. Physics & Astron., Univ. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada/
Max-Planck Institut fuer Astrophysik, Garching
Cold Dark Matter, Galaxy formation and the Formation of the Galaxy
November 8
David Teyssier
ESA/SRON Groningen
Carbon chemistry in Photo-Dominated regions
November 12
!!! friday, 3 pm: nonstandard seminar day and time !!!
Joe Silk
Dept. Astron., Univ. Oxford, UK
Blackboard Colloquium:
The First Stars
November 15
Bram Achterberg
Sterrenkundig Inst., Univ. Utrecht, Utrecht
Origin of Highest Energy Astroparticles
November 22
Kapteyn Seminar Special
Freek Beekman
University Medical Center, Utrecht
Single Photon Emission Tomography in Men and Mice
November 29
Vincent Icke
Sterrewacht Leiden, Leiden
Oscillating Giant Stars
December 7
!!! tuesday, 4 pm: nonstandard seminar day !!!
Huib Henrichs
Sterrenkundig Instituut, UvA/VU, Amsterdam
Magnetic fields in Massive Stars
December 9
!!! thursday, 4 pm: nonstandard seminar day !!!
Floris van der Tak
Max Planck Institut fuer Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany
The earliest stages of High-mass Star Formation
December 13
Bernhard Brandl
Sterrewacht Leiden, Leiden
Starburst Studies with the Spitzer Space Telescope
December 15
!!! wednesday, 4 pm: nonstandard seminar day !!!
Kambiz Fathi
Rochester Institute of Technology, Rochester, NY, USA
Morphology and Dynamics
in the Inner Regions of Spiral Galaxies
December 16
!!! thursday, 12:30 -- nonstandard seminar day and time!!!
Johan Knapen
Astronomy Research Group, Univ. Hertfordshire, UK
Fuelling starbursts and AGN
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Full listing Sept-Dec 2003
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Rien van de Weygaert