Kapteyn Colloquium Poster Gallery:

Special/NOVA Seminars


1.Geoff Marcy Dec 7, 2001 -- Extrasolar Planets
2.Piero Madau Dec 13, 2001 -- Early Structure Formation
3.Barth Netterfield March 1, 2002 -- Boomerang


1.Maurice van Putten March 4, 2002 -- Black Hole torus systems and Gravitational Radiation
2.Adam Burrows April 5, 2002 -- Brown Dwarfs
3.Mike Edmunds April 12, 2002 -- the Antikythera Mechanism


1.Karel Schijver May 2, 2002 -- Changing face Solar Physics
2.Julian Krolik May 3, 2002 -- Black Hole accretion
3.Rosie Wyse May 7, 2002 -- Stellar IMF at High redshift


1.Jan Kuijpers May 30, 2002 -- Gamma Ray Bursts and Gravitational Waves
2.Summertime 2002 July-August 2002
3.Martin Harwit Sept 6, 2002 -- Cosmic Energy and Chemical Abundance Budget


1.Heather Morrison Sept 23, 2002 -- M31: Who Damaged the Disk ?
2.Avishai Dekel Nov 4, 2002 -- Feedback to the Rescue of Galaxy Formation in CDM
3.Henrik Svensmark Nov 14, 2002 -- Solar Influence on Climate


1.Ed Churchwell Dec 16, 2002 -- Hypercompact HII Regions:
    A New Stage of O-Star Evolution ?
2.George Helou Febr 11, 2003 -- Infrared Surveys: Planned Serendipity
3.Thijs van der Hulst March 20, 2003 -- Galaxies on Collision Course


1.Tom Abel March 24, 2003 -- The First Stars in the Universe
2.John Lattanzio April 14, 2003 -- AGB Stars and the
    Chemical Evolution of the Galaxy
3.Alexander Dalgarno April 4, 2003 -- X-rays in the Solar System


1.Craig Sarazin April 28, 2003 -- Chandra Observations of Low Mass X-ray Binaries,
    Globular Clusters, and Hot Gas in Elliptical Galaxies
2.Paul Wignall May 12, 2003 -- Giant Volcanic Provinces and Mass Extinctions
3.Bob Sanders May 15, 2003 -- Modified Newtonian dynamics as an alternative to dark matter


1.Ortwin Gerhardt June 2, 2003 -- Large-Scale Structure of the Milky Way
2.Giuseppe Bono June 16, 2003 -- Cepheids and RR Lyrae: Observations, Theory and Distance Scales
3.Summertime 2003 July-August 2003


1.Dave Sanders October 21, 2003 -- The Infrared Universe: the Cosmic Evolution of Superstarbursts and Massive Black Holes
2.Dave Spergel October 27, 2003 -- First Year results from WMAP: Implications for Cosmology & Inflation
3.Andy Fabian December 1, 2003 -- Heating and Cooling in the cores of clusters of galaxies


1.Sidney Bludman December 18, 2003 -- The Star of Bethlehem
2.Sandra Faber February 9, 2004 -- Recent Results from the DEEP survey
3.Alex Szalay February 23, 2004 -- the Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Mapping the Cosmic Large Scale Galaxy Distribution


1.Zoltan Haiman March 15, 2004 -- Probing the Reionization History of the Universe
2.Paul Schechter March 22, 2004 -- Flux ratio anomalies in lensed quasars: micro-lensing or milli-?
3.Wolfhard Schlosser April 27, 2004 -- The Sky Disc of Nebra


1.Donald Goldsmith June 1, 2004 -- Popularization of Astronomy in the US
2.Norm Murray June 15, 2004 -- Extrasolar Planets
3.Jim Houck June 28, 2004 -- Star Formation at Low Metallicity, a window on the early Universe ?


1.Rashid Sunyaev September 28, 2004 -- Cosmic Microwave Background: Clusters of Galaxies and Cosmology
2.Eva Grebel October 4, 2004 -- The Violent Local Group: A History of Accretion and Survival
3.Luis Ho October 12, 2004 -- Nuclear Activity in the Local Universe


1.Massimo Stiavelli October 12, 2004 -- the Hubble Ultra Deep Field
2.Ken Freeman October 25, 2004 -- Galactic Disks
2.Freek Beekman November 22, 2004 -- Single Photon Emission Tomography in Men and Mice


