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I am an astrophysicist at the Kapteyn
Astronomical Institute, Faculty
of Mathematics & Natural Sciences, University
of Groningen. My field of research is cosmology - the science
that studies the Universe as a physical entity and explores its
overall properties, formation and evolution. In particular, I work
on various issues related to the formation and evolution of the
Large Scale Structure of the Universe as probed by a number of astrophysical
tracers (i.e., galaxy peculiar velocities, redshift galaxy surveys,
Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropy, the Lyman-α forest obsevred
in the spectra of distant quasars and the 21 cm hyperfine spin-flip
transition of neutral hydrogen).
Currently, my main scientific activity is centered on studying the
Epoch of Reionisation (EoR) of the Universe -- the period
during which the gas in the Universe tansformed from neutral to
ionised. More specifically, I am a member of the
LOFAR-EoR key Science project
of the LOFAR radio telescope,
which is the most promising instrument for studying this epoch.
LOFAR is expected to start collecting data by the end of 2012.