Plans and Activities

This page gives a summary of the current GIPSY software plans and activities. (Under construction.)
Large datasets
Increase the maximum size of datasets. Currently a datacube can contain at most some 500K pixels (~2GB). The plan is to increase this in two steps. The first step will result in a maximum datacube size of 2 giga-pixels (~8 GB) and after the second step the only limitation will be imposed by the hardware on which GIPSY runs.

It is expected that the first step will be realized soon. For existing installations, implications of this first step will be limited. Probably use of the gfortran compiler will be required and g77 cannot be used anymore. Also for 32-bit systems the compiler options will need to be adjusted.

The second step will take more time, probably several months, because many more software components need to be modified.

Plotting in SLICEVIEW
Implement support in SLICEVIEW for the display of PGPLOT plots so that it can act as a plot server. This functionality was available in GIDS but never migrated to SLICEVIEW.


Revised: 31 March, 2011