All general documents
Below is a list of all general documents.
In parentheses the name of the source file is given.
- archreset
- Reset a specified architecture in the bookkeeper file
so that all sources will be rebuild.
- atqueue
- Schedule compile to update GIPSY libraries and applications.
- bookkeeper
- The file bookkeeper which resides in the gip_sys directory,
does the bookkeeping of GIPSY procedures and applications for
all architectures.
- categories
- Categories for tasks and subroutines
- check
- Checks $gip_sys/bookkeeper for compiler or other errors.
- clients
- The file clients, which resides in the gip_loc directory,
contains a list of all host names which are GIPSY
- compile
- Describes how to compile/install a procedure/application
program, how to install a document or include file,
how to (un)reserve a source file with the program
- contents
- The file contents, which resides in the gip_lib directory,
lists the modules defined in the GIPSY library.
- cshrc
- Sets the environment for the GIPSY directory. The user gipsy
must run the csh or tcsh shell.
- depend
- The file depend, which resides in the gip_lib directory,
contains a dependency list of all GIPSY applications.
- documentation
- Describes how GIPSY software is documented.
- Ellint
- A supplement to the dc1 document.
See also: Supplementary documentation. (ellint.tex)
- export
- Creates an compressed exportable tar file of the GIPSY
sources and/or GIPSY binaries for all architectures for
- f2c
- Compiles Fortran sources with the Fortran to C (f2c) compiler.
- f2cvv
- This program generates C code for the F2C/C2F interface
- findx
- Searches for paths to the X11 include files and the
X11 library and when found produces the appropriate
compiler switches.
- fixcps
- Convert PGPLOT colour PostScript files incompatible with
Ghostscript version >=9.00.
- gdsserver
- Handles GDS requests from GIPSY tasks.
- getarch
- Determines architecture of host.
- getfile
- Retrieves a file from the GIPSY source server.
- gftp
- Retrieves GIPSY sources from the GIPSY source server.
- ggi
- Describe GIPSY's Graphical User Interface
See also: Ggi, GIPSY's graphical user interface. (ggi.src)
- ggihelp
This element allows you to "compose" a set/subset specification.
- ggivtk
- Python module implementing the VtkField Ggi element for pygipsy.
- Description of the Groningen Image Display Server.
- gipenv
- Set some GIPSY environment variables in .cshrc or .profile
for process wide use.
- gipsy
- Starts a GIPSY session with thermes.
- anonymous
- GIPSY starters document for Gopher
- grdevices
- The file grdevices, which resides in the gip_loc directory,
describes the available graphics devices.
- help
- Categories for tasks and subroutines
- history
- The file history, which resides in the gip_sys directory,
Maintains a history of all GIPSY source files.
- htmldoc
- Generate .html files containing links to the ASCII-based
documentation (-.dc1, -.dc2, -.dc3, -.doc).
- input
- Explanation of input syntax for GIPSY tasks
- install
- Installs or reinstalls the GIPSY essentials. It also
creates the directory tree.
- Python module providing functions for user I/O.
- Kapteyn Package checking program.
- File for Hermes prompt help
- (keyhelp.doc)
- lckserver
- Handles GIPSY (un)lock requests on files.
- listdiffs
- List different files in two directories.
- lock
- Locks compile for GIPSY manager.
- lpdevices
- The file lpdevices, which resides in the gip_loc directory,
describes the available printers which can be used for
printing by GIPSY applications.
- manager
- The file manager.mgr, which resides in the gip_sys
directory, contains the name, address and logname of
the GIPSY manager.
The file manager, which resides in the gip_loc directory,
contains the mail addresses of local GIPSY managers for
different hosts.
- manual
- GIPSY User Guide
- mkbookkeeper
- Creates bookkeeper file from scratch.
- mkclient
- Make current host a GIPSY client.
- mtdevices
- The file mtdevices, which resides in the gip_loc directory,
describes the available magnetic tape devices.
- ngipsy
- Starts a GIPSY session with nhermes.
- objects
- The file objects, which resides in the gip_lib directory,
lists the object files originating from GIPSY sources.
- offspring
- The file offspring, which resides in the gip_sys directory,
maintains a list off files originating from GIPSY source
- options
- Compiler options for some GIPSY source files
- pack
- Packs files so that they can be unpacked by xfile
- pguide
- GIPSY Programmers Guide.
See also: Programmers documents. (pguide.tex)
- Description of the GIPSY PLot SERVER.
- pmail
- pmails sends a mail message (file) to all GIPSY programmers.
- programmers
- Maintains a list of all users who are allowed to
install GIPSY software.
- pygipsy
- Python module interfacing with GIPSY
- register
- Registers a GIPSY installation or a new GIPSY user.
- Python module providing resources for (a.o) visions
- rmtserver
- Allows access to remote tape units.
- server
- This file contains the name (or address) of the gipsy
server from which to obtain the sources. The file is
also used by programme report (bug).
- Python module for composing data input including FITS files
- setup
- Describes the system dependent commands for compiling
and installing GIPSY source files.
- shadowtree
- Creates a shadowtree (i.e. creates an new branch with
linked leaves).
- sheltran
- Compiles SHELTRAN source code into FORTRAN 77.
See also: Sheltran. ()
- sysgen
- Generates the GIPSY system.
- tvdevices
- The file tvdevices, which resides in the gip_loc directory,
describes the available tvdevices which can be used for
image display.
- unlock
- Unlocks compile by GIPSY manager.
- update
- Updates the GIPSY libraries and applications.
- xfile
- General file extractor.