Lectures Rien van de Weygaert
2nd International Summer School
Astroparticle Physics
August 29-September 8, 2006
The Lecture Notes:
Lecture 1: Cosmic Structure Formation
Lecture 1b: The Cosmic Web
Lecture 2: Cosmology & Dark Matter
Cosmic Web Formation, LCDM (courtesy: Virgo consortium, V. Springel)
Millennium Simulation, flythrough (courtesy: Virgo consortium, V. Springel)
Suggested Literature
Cosmic Energy Inventory (Fukugita M., Peebles P.J.E., 2004, ApJ, 616, 643)
Baryonic Dark Matter (Carr B., 1994, Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 32, 531 )
New Light on Baryonic Dark Matter (Ostriker J., Steinhardt P., 2003, Science, 300, 1909)
A direct empirical proof of the existence of dark matter (Clowe D., Bradac M, et al., 2006, ApJL, in press)
Probing the Universe with Weak Lensing (Mellier Y., 1999, ARAA, 37, 127)
The warped side of dark matter (Irion R., 2003, Science, 300, )