Program: WFITS Purpose: Writes disk set and subsets onto magnetic tape (or disk) in FITS format. Category: FITS, TAPES, UTILITY File: wfits.c Author: K.G. Begeman Keywords: INSET= Set (and subset(s)) where to copy data from. Maximum number of subsets is 2048. BOX= Frame of input subsets [entire subset]. FITSFILE= Name of file to write FITS data to [write to tape]. If more than one subset is to be written to FITS file, a generic filename should be entered. A generic filename contains fields of consecutive hash (#) symbols. The filenames of the FITS files will be generated by replacing each field with the subset sequence number. The number of hash symbols in a field denotes the field width. Examples: FITSFILE=FILE#.FTS generates FILE1.FTS, FILE2.FTS ... FITSFILE=FILE##.FTS generates FILE01.FTS, FILE02.FTS ... FITSFILE=FILE###d.FTS generates FILE001.FTS, FILE002.FTS ... If no hash symbols are present in a generic name, one hash symbol will be appended. If data is to be written to file, the following two keywords will be skipped. OUTTAPE= Name of output tape device [list of all tape devices]. SKIP= Number of files to skip on OUTTAPE [SKIP to End of Tape]. The first input file will be stored at this location, the second at the next location etc. Note that for new (empty) tapes you should give SKIP=0. BITPIX= Specify number of bits to represent pixel value [-32]. This number can be 8, 16, 32, or -32 for IEEE floating point. For antenna patterns it is advised to take BITPIX=32 (or -32). ** BLOCKED= Specify the number of FITS records / tape record [10]. The maximum blocking factor is 20. ** MNMX= Always calculate min, max Y/[N]? If the minimum and maximum of the subsets are not found in the header, they are automatically calculated. If you are not sure that these header values are correct, give MNMX=Y. Description: FITS: A Flexible Image Transport System, is a format for the interchange of astronomical images and other digital arrays on magnetic tape. This format provides a simple but powerful mechanism for the unambiguous transmission of n-dimensional, regularly spaced data arrays. It also provides a method for the transmission of a virtually unlimited number of auxiliary parameters that may be associated with the image. The parameters are written in a form which is easily interpreted by both humans and computers (D. C. Wells, Astron. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 44, (1981) 363-370 ). WFITS creates a FITS header record from the GIPSY header items and converts the image data (INSET=) to 8, 16, 32 bits integers or to 32 bits IEEE floating point (BITPIX=). Programs to read FITS files like RFITS, use this header item to convert tape data to image data. Updates: Oct 21, 1991: KGB, Modified code for new mtopen routine. Nov 12, 1991: VOG, 'LONG_MIN' casted twice before assigning to float because of bug in 'gcc' Dec 9, 1991: VOG, Put OBJECT in fits header on users request. May 14, 1992: VOG, New defaults for MINMAX= Jul 20, 1993: KGB, Completely rewritten, replaced fts_ and ftsd_ routines. Apr 20, 1994: KGB, Minor repairs. Feb 7, 1996: KGB, Keyword FITSFILE= implemented. Okt 8, 1999: VOG, Removed non printable characters in record in gdsd_rfits. Feb 15, 2010: JPT, Write IEEE NaN for blanks when BITPIX=-32. Feb 25, 2013: VOG, Default BITPIX set to -32