Program: RENDER Purpose: Render 2d- and 3d GIPSY data and display 2d-slices at any angle. Category: PLOTTING File: render.c Author: M.G.R. Vogelaar (GUI: J.P. Terlouw) Warning: 1) For volume-rendering, the entire data cube is read from disk and stored in memory. To avoid slow performance or even hang-ups, use a machine with a lot of memory. 2) When building the frames of a movie loop, make sure that no other window covers part of your plot, otherwise the plot could be obscured by the overlay (this depends on the X-server in use). 3) Blanks in your data are replaced by the minimum data value in your (sub)set. If you want to replace blanks with another value, use COPY to copy your original data and CBLANK to replace blanks. 4) Reading data from a big set can take a while. If you are planning to use a smaller box than the default (entire (sub)set ) start RENDER in Hermes with a pre-specified box e.g. RENDER INSET=AURORA BOX=-150 -150 150 150 Keywords: Program RENDER is an easy to use data inspection tool to: 1) surface render a 2-dim. set 2) volume render a 3-dim. set 3) display slices at any angle through 3-dim. data 4) record a series of plots and play them in a movie The listing below is an overview of buttons and input fields of the Graphical User Interface for this program. Each button or input field has an associated GIPSY keyword. This enables you to start the program with pre-specified keywords. Also the keyword macro's will work. PLOTSIZE= Hidden keyword Set the size of the plot window in pixels. This keyword accepts one and two values. If one value is entered a square plot window is made. Whatever the size of the plot window is, the render output is always square. The default is: PLOTSIZE=532 532 QUIT= Menu , option Exit Abort program by selecting exit from menu. Open PGPLOT devices will be closed. From within Hermes type QUIT=Y PSFILE= Menu , option PostScript file Select a name for the PostScript file to which the output is redirected. The default name is PLOTTER= Menu "PLOTTER" Before you make a hardcopy of the current plot, select a plot device first from this menu. However if you want to (pre) specify the keyword in Hermes, you have to enter a number. The number of the first device is 0 etc. Create the plot with the button. PLOT= Button A hardcopy is made on the selected device (See PLOTTER=). The corresponding PostScript file name is set by PSFILE= (File menu). ANNOT= Button Open a window to set plot annotations. See also keywords XTITLE=, YTITLE=, ZTITLE=, PLOTTITLE= and CHARSIZE= HELP= Button Show the 'dc1' document for this program. This is the document that you are reading now. String search can be started with C INSET= Input field "Set" Maximum number of subsets is 1. For this GIPSY data a surface plot is created. The data can be 2 dimensional for a surface plot where the height represents the data value, (e.g. INSET=aurora freq 0 if aurora is a RA-DEC-FREQ cube) or 3 dimensional for an iso-surface plot (e.g. INSET=aurora). In the 3-dim. case the ISOVAL= keyword becomes active. Note that reading a big cube into memory can disable the gui for a while. BOX= Input field "Box" Data within this box will be used for plotting. This field if reset by a default every time a new set is entered. The default box is the entire set/subset. You get the default by pressing Enter in an empty input field. ZMINMAX= Input field "Min, max" These are the minimum and maximum data values in your 2- or 3-dim. set/subset. Real data min. and max. values are displayed in the gui every time new data is read. The values are used to clip values in the surface rendering and are used to scale the colours or gray scales in a slice. Note that for 3D-data the default values for the minimum and maximum are the real minimum and maximum in the data cube. If you want to compare a colour slice with a subset viewed in GIDS then note that GIDS reads values for the min. and max. from the header of the displayed SUBset. These are usually not the same values as displayed in the gui of RENDER. ISOVAL= Input field "Isoval" For three dimensional sets the program renders an iso surface. The surface is a volume plot of data boundaries with the same value (in units of the data). The default is a value half between the minimum and maximum data values. The input field is not erased if a new set or box is entered. APOINT= Input field "Slice point" Enter x, y and z values of a point on the slice that you want to plot. The values for x, y and z are in coordinates of your box. The normal of the slice is set by PHI= and THETA=. THETA= Input field "Slice normal: Theta" Enter a value in degrees. This is an angle of the normal of your slice in the xz (horizontal) plane. Zero degrees points in the z-direction. Note that the angles are defined in a unit cell (all sides have length 1), i.e. the angles are not with respect to the pixel coordinate system. PHI= Input field "Slice normal: Phi" Enter a value in degrees. This is an angle of the normal of your slice in the xy (vertical) plane. Zero degrees points in the x-direction. XTITLE= Input field "X-title" The default title is copied from header item corresponding to the axis name of the first axis in your set. YTITLE= Input field "Y-title" The default title is copied from header item corresponding to the axis name of the first axis in your set. ZTITLE= Input field "Z-title" Only for a 3-dim. set/subset a z-axis is plotted. The default title is copied from header item corresponding to the axis name of the first axis in your set. PLOTTITLE= Input field "Plot title" Enter text to label the plot. The position of the title is always top-middle. PSFILE= Input field "PS file" Enter the name of the PostScript file on disk where to hardcopy output is directed. CHARSIZE= Input field "Char.size" This value applies to all characters on the plot. The default is set to 1.1. COLOPTION= Button Set the color mode for plotting. Default is monochrome in the colour set by MONORGB= (input field Mono color in gui). The other option is a colour scheme set by GIDS, which is automatically started. RENDER borrows the colours from GIDS in the condition as it is at the moment of pressing the button. Note that in order to get colours you need to set a value for NCBAND= (i.e. # Bands input field in gui) greater than 1. If you are interested in colours only, set the diffuse value to 0. This is the default if you select colours from GIDS. NCBAND= Input field "# Bands" In colour mode you can plot different bands of colour. Problems can arise if RENDER cannot allocate as much colours as the number of colour bands. The default value is 1 for monochrome and n > 1 for colours from GIDS. LI_HOR= Dial "Light-H" Dial for setting the rotation of the light source. Value in degrees. Default is 0. (See also LIGHT=) The direction of the arrow is along the imaginary line that connects the light source and the fixed object in the middle of the circle. LI_VER= Dial "Light-V" Dial for setting the tilt of the light source. Value in degrees. Default is 0. (See also LIGHT=) MONORGB= Input field "Mono color" This colour is the main surface colour of the plot when plotting in monochrome mode. The default values for red, green and blue are 0, 1 and 0. BACKRGB= Input field "Back color" Red, green and blue values between 0 and 1 for the background colour The default values are BACKRGB=0.2 0.4 0.7 which is some kind of blue. EYE= Input field "Eye" This a distance in arbitrary units. The default is 8. You will see perspective effects only with values smaller than 1.0. DIFFUSE= Input field "Diffuse" Number between 0 and 1 and the default is set to 0.8. The higher this number, the more dynamic range you will get. If you switch to colours from GIDS, the diffuse number is set to 0.0 so that plot colours correspond to colours set by GIDS. POLISH= Input field "Polish" If you want a shiny object, SHINE= must be greater than 0. For these objects POLISH= sets the size of the shiny reflections. The default value is 1. SHINE= Input field "Shine" SHINE determines the whiteness of the shiny reflections (or grayness if < 1). The range is from 0 to 1 and the default is set to 0. TRANS= Input field "Transp." Set the level of transparency for iso surface (=3-dim.) data rendering. There are four numbers for four levels: 0 = not transparent, 1 = 25%, 2 = 50% and 3 = 75% transpa- rency. ROTATION= Dial "Rotation" Dial (or circular valuator) to rotate the object. Object is rotated in a horizontal plane. Default value is 40 deg. A value can also be entered manually in the corresponding input field. You can also adjust values by dragging the cube in the small plot window using the left mouse button. TILT= Dial "Tilt" Dial (or circular valuator) to rotate the object Object is rotated in a vertical plane. Default value is 20 deg. See also ROTATION= GO= Button "GO" Use the current values set by the user to create a (new) plot on screen. If you want a plot on a hardcopy device, select a device first with the PLOTTER= and PLOT= keywords or the and buttons LWIDTH= Hidden keyword Keyword which sets the line width (between 1 and 20) of the plot title. Default value is 2. Other line widths must be set in Hermes with LWIDTH=n where n is a number between 1 and 21. It does NOT apply to the line widths of the coordinate system. LIGHT= Hidden Keyword Keyword for setting the direction (x,y,z) of the light. Default is 0 0 -1. The values are set by two circular valuators that transform their values into a vector which represents the direction of the light. Imagine the (rotated and tilted) object in the middle of the circular valuators. The left valuator sets the direction an a horizontal plane and the right valuator sets the direction an a vertical plane. See also 'Description: Coordinate system'. ANIMATOR WINDOW (movies) ------------------------ ANIMATOR= Button Pressing this button will pop up a new window with the all the movie controls for your current input. The input fields correspond to the fields in the main gui, but here you enter a start value in the left column and an end value in the right column for the values that you want to animate. The number of frames (input field '#frames') sets the step size for each pair of start and end value. If you enter more frames than the system can handle, it will change automatically to the maximum value that is allowed. Value for the start and end column can be imported from the main gui with the and buttons next to 'load:'. You can also export start and end values to the main gui with and next to 'Store:'. Before a movie can be played, you have to build the frames by pressing the button. After displaying the frames one by one, you can start the movie by pressing one of the buttons: << <-> or >> which stands for: play backwards, play forth and back and play the frames in increasing order. FRAME= Input field and slider "Frame" Select your frame number by hand or with the slider. SPEED= Input field and slider "Speed" Approximately the number of frames per second. Note that the higher the speed, the more difficult it becomes to interact with the system. BUILD= Button Before playing a movie, you need to build it. This command sets the loop rotations and tilts etc. and calls repeatedly the plot routines. ANIMATOR= Button Close current animator window. Description: Program RENDER creates a surface plot of 2-dim. GIPSY datasets f(x,y) or it creates an iso surface of 3-dim. data f(x,y,z). This selection depends on the dimensionality of the input set (Set field in gui or INSET= keyword). Coordinate system ----------------- Your screen is taken at z=0 in an right handed system xyz so that the +z axis comes out of the screen. Data is scaled onto a unit cell. The viewpoint of the eye remains the same after the rotation. Only the lattice vectors are rotated. Example: Next keywords display volume rendered GIPSY data with a slice in RA-DEC through pixel coordinate 0,0,0. The colours originate from GIDS (See COLOR menu). APOINT= 0 0 0 BACKRGB= 0.2 0.4 0.7 BOX= -100 -100 -32 100 100 38 CHARSIZE= 1.1 COLOPTION= 1 DIFFUSE= 0 EYE= 8 GO= INSET= n2403-13 ISOVAL= 2 LIGHT= 0 0 -1 LWIDTH= 2 MONORGB= 0 1 0 NCBAND= 60 PHI= 0 PLOTTER= 0 PLOTTITLE= W.U. ' POLISH= 1 PSFILE= ROTATION= 40.00 SHINE= 0 THETA= 0 TILT= 20.00 TRANS= 0 XTITLE= RA---NCP YTITLE= DEC--NCP ZMINMAX= 0 3 ZTITLE= FREQ-RHEL Copyright: Program RENDER is based on the Fortran subroutine library PGXTALL made by D.S. Sivia of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Chilton, Oxon OX11 0QX, U.K. ( Notes: Updates: Nov 23, 1998: VOG, Document created. May 29, 2000: JPT, Eliminated PostScript-specific code. Apr 14, 2009: VOG, Cleaned up a bit. Removed NINT macro