Program:       GUIPSY

Purpose:       Task launcher and documentation system

Category:      USER-INTERFACE

File:          guipsy.src

Author:        S. Sanchez Exposito

Keywords:      This task does not require any keywords

Updates:       Apr 14, 2011: SSE document created.


GUIpsy - A VO compliant tool for the analysis and visualization of 3D data

GUIpsy is the result of the collaboration between the AMIGA group (Analysis of the interstellar Medium of Isolated GAlaxies, from Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia - CSIC and the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute ( improve the usability of (Groningen Image Processing System,

GIPSY is a highly interactive software system for the reduction and display of astronomical data,specially suited for the reduction and kinematical analysis of radio-interferometric datacubes of galaxies.

GUIpsy is an interface which combines the advantages of a graphical, user-friendly and intuitive environment, with the powerful capabilities of GIPSY for kinematical analysis of datacubes and with the functionality of the Virtual Observatory Tools.