Program: DELETE Purpose: Delete sets Category: UTILITY File: delete.c Author: M. Vogelaar Keywords: ** LIST= List with GIPSY set names? Y/[N] Can be either Y or N. If user specifies LIST=Y, a list with set names in the current directory is displayed. The default is LIST=N INSET= Give name of set to delete: [stop] Enter: 1) One set name, e.g.: INSET=AURORA 2) Set names separated by a semicolon (;) e.g.: INSET=AURORA;ngc3079a;ngc3079b 3) A path followed by a set name (no wildcard expansion): INSET=./WORK/ngc400 4) Set name(s) containing the wildcard character '*'. Wildcards can appear everywhere in a name. The wildcard expansion works only in the current directory! INSET=ngc* (Delete all GIPSY sets that start with 'ngc') INSET=* (Delete all GIPSY sets in current dir.) The names of sets which the user wants to delete are asked in a loop. Press carriage return to abort this loop and to stop the program. OK= Ok to delete ? Y/[N] Confirm the choice for EACH file that you entered with INSET= Long file names are cut off. A number of dots indicate if this has happened. Description: DELETE deletes GIPSY sets (image part and descriptor part). After the introduction of the GDS server, it became more important to be able to delete sets within the environment where the server is running. If f.i. you delete sets with the unix 'rm' command, the program DISK will still list those sets if the server is still running. Program DELETE doe the job properly. It checks whether a file is a valid GIPSY set and will warn you if it is not (program will display the corresponding GDS error like: GDS -- bad descriptor header). However, you still can delete these invalid sets. The program stores the names of all files that end on '.descr'. This list is necessary if you want to use a wildcard expansion using the asterisk character '*'. This explains why wildcard expansion can only be used in the current directory. If a set (entered with INSET=) does not exist, then a warning is displayed in your log area. If a set exists, but does not conform to the rules for a valid GIPSY set, then a warning is displayed in the log area together with the corresponding GDS error, and a warning will be inserted in the OK= prompt. Notice that it is still possible to delete such files. So program DELETE can delete your very important backupless text file 'important.descr' if that is what you want. Updates: Jun 15, 1995: VOG, Completely rewritten.