Document: XCLIB Purpose: XCLIB is the extended C library. It contains some of the ANSI library functions which are not available on some operating systems. File: xclib.dc3 Author: K.G. Begeman Description: On some operating systems the ANSI C library routines are not available or have a non standard name. Some of the missing routines are supplied however in XCLIB. This document describes which routines are available. This means that routines NOT mentioned in this document might NOT be used by level 1 and level 2 programmers. This also means that the standard ANSI C include files can not be used. Therefore the GIPSY programming group supplies its own version of the include files. They contain only routines which YOU as a programmer are allowed to use. These include files are: assert.h math.h stdlib.h ctype.h signal.h string.h errno.h stdarg.h time.h float.h stddef.h limits.h stdio.h This implicates that the include files provided by the operating system cannot be used. These include files are stored under UPDATE, and you must refer to them in your source with #include "stdio.h" instead of #include . Warning: System dependent! At the moment implemented for ALLIANT, CONVEX, DEC ULTRIX, HP 9000, SUN and DEC VMS. Updates: Feb 13, 1990: KGB, Document created. May 14, 1990: JPT, Refereed. Jun 4, 1991: KGB, strftime implemented, mktime corrected. Jul 20, 1991: KGB, signal and raise implemented. Oct 6, 1994: KGB, bug in signal_x removed. Feb 9, 1999: JPT, workaround for Linux ecvt() bug. May 4, 2007: JPT, define stub when there is nothing to compile.