Function: SETWCSBOX Purpose: SETWCSBOX define a box inside/around a subset (No user interaction) Category: USER IO, PHYSICAL COORDINATES File: Author: M.G.R. Vogelaar Use: boxtxt = "2h10m30s 60d32m2.7s D 2 arcmin 3 arcmin" blo, bhi = gset.setwcsbox(boxtxt, checklimits=True) gset Object of class Set for which a box should be defined. boxtxt Box specification as a string checklimits Boolean. If True, 'boxtxt' is not allowed to specify regions beyond the data regions. blo bhi Two lists with coordinates which set the axes limits of the input subset. The coordinates are sorted so that 'blo' represents the lower limits and 'bhi' the upper limits. Note that also the Set object (gset) is updated. Therefore you can retrieve the limits also by accessing attributes gset.blo, gset.bhi Description: Read also the description for the interactive routine WCSBOX Notes: In most situations the conversion between grids and world coordinates is independent of the subset. E.g. in a sequence of channel maps, each RA,Dec image represents the same coordinate system. However, when we create subsets with only one spatial axis, then the matching spatial coordinate depends on the selected subset (e.g. with XV maps). Here we follow the implementation in gdsbox.c. That is, only the first subset is used for coordinate transformations. Examples: boxtxt = "-10 -10 20 30" boxtxt = "0 0 D 30 50" boxtxt = "2h10m30s 60d32m2.7s D 10 10" boxtxt = "2h10m30s 60d32m2.7s D 2 arcmin 3 arcmin" blo, bhi = gset.setwcsbox(boxtxt) Updates: Sep 28, 2012: VOG, Document created.