Function: RAN Purpose: Returns a uniform random deviate between 0.0 and 1.0. Category: MATH Files: ran.c Author: K.G. Begeman Use: REAL RAN( SEED ) Input/Output INTEGER RAN Uniform random deviate between 0.0 and 1.0. SEED A negative value for SEED reintializes the sequence with seed -SEED and on exit SEED will be one. A positive value for SEED has no effect except for the first call to RAN. Then it initializes the sequence with seed SEED and on exit SEED will be one. Description: The random numbers are obtained with the subtractive method described by Knuth (Knuth, D.E. 1981, Seminumerical Algorithms, 2nd ed., vol. 2 of The Art of Computer Programming). Updates: May 25, 1990: KGB, Document created.