Function: qcnvl2 Purpose: Auxiliary routine for CONVOLVE. Category: MATH File: qcnvl2.src Author: K.G. Begeman Use: CALL QCNVL2( V1 , Input REAL ARRAY V2 , Input/Output REAL ARRAY CF , Input REAL N ) Input INTEGER V1 Array contains data to be convolved. V2 Array to which CF * V1 is added. CF Convolving factor. N Size of V1 and V2. Notes: V1 and V2 may contain BLANKS. If this is not the case, use QCNVL1. Description: The operation performed by CNVL2 is: IF (V1 .NE. BLANK .AND. V2 .NE. BLANK) THEN V2 = V2 + CF * V1. ELSE V2 = BLANK ENDIF Updates: Apr 10, 1991: KGB Document created.