Name: PGSVP Purpose: set viewport (normalized device coordinates) Category: GRAPHICS File: pgplot.src Author: T.J. Pearson Use: see description below. Description: SUBROUTINE PGSVP (XLEFT, XRIGHT, YBOT, YTOP) REAL XLEFT, XRIGHT, YBOT, YTOP Change the size and position of the viewport, specifying the viewport in normalized device coordinates. Normalized device coordinates run from 0 to 1 in each dimension. The viewport is the rectangle on the view surface "through" which one views the graph. All the PG routines which plot lines etc. plot them within the viewport, and lines are truncated at the edge of the viewport (except for axes, labels etc drawn with PGBOX or PGLAB). The region of world space (the coordinate space of the graph) which is visible through the viewport is specified by a call to PGSWIN. It is legal to request a viewport larger than the view surface; only the part which appears on the view surface will be plotted. Arguments: XLEFT (input) : x-coordinate of left hand edge of viewport, in NDC. XRIGHT (input) : x-coordinate of right hand edge of viewport, in NDC. YBOT (input) : y-coordinate of bottom edge of viewport, in NDC. YTOP (input) : y-coordinate of top edge of viewport, in NDC. Updates: Oct 16, 1998: JPT automatically extracted from source.