Name: PGSAVE Purpose: save PGPLOT attributes Category: GRAPHICS File: pgplot.src Author: T.J. Pearson Use: see description below. Description: SUBROUTINE PGSAVE This routine saves the current PGPLOT attributes in a private storage area. They can be restored by calling PGUNSA (unsave). Attributes saved are: character font, character height, color index, fill-area style, line style, line width, pen position, arrow-head style, hatching style, and clipping state. Color representation is not saved. Calls to PGSAVE and PGUNSA should always be paired. Up to 20 copies of the attributes may be saved. PGUNSA always retrieves the last-saved values (last-in first-out stack). Note that when multiple devices are in use, PGUNSA retrieves the values saved by the last PGSAVE call, even if they were for a different device. Arguments: none Updates: Oct 16, 1998: JPT automatically extracted from source.