Name: PGQTXT Purpose: find bounding box of text string Category: GRAPHICS File: pgplot.src Author: T.J. Pearson Use: see description below. Description: SUBROUTINE PGQTXT (X, Y, ANGLE, FJUST, TEXT, XBOX, YBOX) REAL X, Y, ANGLE, FJUST CHARACTER*(*) TEXT REAL XBOX(4), YBOX(4) This routine returns a bounding box for a text string. Instead of drawing the string as routine PGPTXT does, it returns in XBOX and YBOX the coordinates of the corners of a rectangle parallel to the string baseline that just encloses the string. The four corners are in the order: lower left, upper left, upper right, lower right (where left and right refer to the first and last characters in the string). If the string is blank or contains no drawable characters, all four elements of XBOX and YBOX are assigned the starting point of the string, (X,Y). Arguments: X, Y, ANGLE, FJUST, TEXT (input) : these arguments are the same as the corrresponding arguments in PGPTXT. XBOX, YBOX (output) : arrays of dimension 4; on output, they contain the world coordinates of the bounding box in (XBOX(1), YBOX(1)), ..., (XBOX(4), YBOX(4)). Updates: Oct 16, 1998: JPT automatically extracted from source.