Name: PGPT Purpose: draw several graph markers Category: GRAPHICS File: pgplot.src Author: T.J. Pearson Use: see description below. Description: SUBROUTINE PGPT (N, XPTS, YPTS, SYMBOL) INTEGER N REAL XPTS(*), YPTS(*) INTEGER SYMBOL Primitive routine to draw Graph Markers (polymarker). The markers are drawn using the current values of attributes color-index, line-width, and character-height (character-font applies if the symbol number is >31). If the point to be marked lies outside the window, no marker is drawn. The "pen position" is changed to (XPTS(N),YPTS(N)) in world coordinates (if N > 0). Arguments: N (input) : number of points to mark. XPTS (input) : world x-coordinates of the points. YPTS (input) : world y-coordinates of the points. SYMBOL (input) : code number of the symbol to be drawn at each point: -1, -2 : a single dot (diameter = current line width). -3..-31 : a regular polygon with ABS(SYMBOL) edges (style set by current fill style). 0..31 : standard marker symbols. 32..127 : ASCII characters (in current font). e.g. to use letter F as a marker, let SYMBOL = ICHAR('F'). > 127 : a Hershey symbol number. Note: the dimension of arrays X and Y must be greater than or equal to N. If N is 1, X and Y may be scalars (constants or variables). If N is less than 1, nothing is drawn. Updates: Oct 16, 1998: JPT automatically extracted from source.