Name: PGOPEN Purpose: open a graphics device Category: GRAPHICS File: pgplot.src Author: T.J. Pearson Use: see description below. Description: INTEGER FUNCTION PGOPEN (DEVICE) CHARACTER*(*) DEVICE Open a graphics device for PGPLOT output. If the device is opened successfully, it becomes the selected device to which graphics output is directed until another device is selected with PGSLCT or the device is closed with PGCLOS. The value returned by PGOPEN should be tested to ensure that the device was opened successfully, e.g., ISTAT = PGOPEN('LCPSFILE') IF (ISTAT .LE. 0 ) STOP Note that PGOPEN must be declared INTEGER in the calling program. The DEVICE argument is a character constant or variable, which must be a known GIPSY graphics device, i.e. it must be listed in $gip_loc/grdevices. [This routine was added to PGPLOT in Version 5.1.0. Older programs use PGBEG instead.] Returns: PGOPEN : returns either a positive value, the identifier of the graphics device for use with PGSLCT, or a 0 or negative value indicating an error. In the event of error a message is written on the standard error unit. Arguments: DEVICE (input) : the 'device specification' for the plot device (see above). Updates: Oct 16, 1998: JPT extracted from source; modified for GIPSY. Dec 3, 1998: JPT call REJECT for invalid device input. Apr 7, 2000: JPT initialize image interpolation mode.