Name: PGFUNY Purpose: function defined by X = F(Y) Category: GRAPHICS File: pgplot.src Author: T.J. Pearson Use: see description below. Description: SUBROUTINE PGFUNY (FX, N, YMIN, YMAX, PGFLAG) REAL FX EXTERNAL FX INTEGER N REAL YMIN, YMAX INTEGER PGFLAG Draw a curve defined by the equation X = FX(Y), where FY is a user-supplied subroutine. Arguments: FX (external real function): supplied by the user, evaluates X value at a given Y-coordinate. N (input) : the number of points required to define the curve. The function FX will be called N+1 times. If PGFLAG=0 and N is greater than 1000, 1000 will be used instead. If N is less than 1, nothing will be drawn. YMIN (input) : the minimum value of Y. YMAX (input) : the maximum value of Y. PGFLAG (input) : if PGFLAG = 1, the curve is plotted in the current window and viewport; if PGFLAG = 0, PGENV is called automatically by PGFUNY to start a new plot with Y limits (YMIN, YMAX) and automatic scaling in X. Note: The function FX must be declared EXTERNAL in the Fortran program unit that calls PGFUNY. It has one argument, the y-coordinate at which the x value is required, e.g. REAL FUNCTION FX(Y) REAL Y FX = ..... END Note: This subroutine is only callable from Fortran, not from C. Updates: Oct 16, 1998: JPT automatically extracted from source.