Name: PGERRX Purpose: horizontal error bar Category: GRAPHICS File: pgplot.src Author: T.J. Pearson Use: see description below. Description: SUBROUTINE PGERRX (N, X1, X2, Y, T) INTEGER N REAL X1(*), X2(*), Y(*) REAL T Plot horizontal error bars. This routine draws an error bar only; to mark the data point in the middle of the error bar, an additional call to PGPT or PGERRY is required. Arguments: N (input) : number of error bars to plot. X1 (input) : world x-coordinates of lower end of the error bars. X2 (input) : world x-coordinates of upper end of the error bars. Y (input) : world y-coordinates of the data. T (input) : length of terminals to be drawn at the ends of the error bar, as a multiple of the default length; if T = 0.0, no terminals will be drawn. Note: the dimension of arrays X1, X2, and Y must be greater than or equal to N. If N is 1, X1, X2, and Y may be scalar variables, or expressions, eg: CALL PGERRX(1,X-SIGMA,X+SIGMA,Y) Updates: Oct 16, 1998: JPT automatically extracted from source.