Document: MTIODEV Purpose: Describes the tape manipulation routines and setup. Category: TAPES File: mtiodev.c Author: K.G. Begeman Description: The mtiodev routines can read/write data from/to tapes and files. The structure of a 'disktape' is as follows: The name of a disktape is the name of a directory. This directory contains the data files "" and the tape descriptor file "tape.descriptor". The descriptor file is a text file which contains a description of the structure on a real tape (i.e. information about records and file markers), the binary files contain the data on the tape. indicates the sequence number of the file on the disktape. There is a one to one relation between the number of tape marks skipped so far and ( = number of tape marks plus one). So the data structure on a real tape can be completely simulated on disk, as is shown below: Structure on tape Structure on disk tape.descriptor BLOCK of fb11 bytes "" "fb11" BLOCK of fb12 bytes "fb12" ..... .. .... ..... "...." BLOCK of fb1n bytes "fb1n" TAPE MARK "0" BLOCK of fb21 bytes "" "fb21" ..... .. .... ..... "...." BLOCK of fb2n bytes "fb2n" TAPE MARK "0" ... ... TAPE MARK "0" TAPE MARK "0" Importing foreign disktape files is very simple. One can either create the file "tape.descriptor" with an editor, or rename the data files to be imported "", "" etc. Whenever a disktape is opened with MTOPEN, it will check whether the tape descriptor file exists. When it does not exist, MTOPEN will check whether there is a file named "". If so, MTOPEN will assume that the blocking factor is 2880 bytes (FITS standard) and create the tape descriptor file. Then it will check whether a file with name "" exists etc. A tape device, be it a tapeunit or a disk file, is opened with function MTOPEN. MTOPEN has one argument, a character string denoting the name of the device. If the name corresponds with the name of a tape unit in $gip_loc/mtdevices (not case sensitive), this unit will be used, otherwize it is assumed to be a directory on disk. The argument to MTOPEN may also be a question mark (?), optionally followed by a keyword. This means that MTOPEN will prompt the user for a tape device (with keyword MTDEVICE= or the keyword specified after the question mark), and list the available tape units (if the user wants it). The syntax of $gip_loc/mtdevices is described in $gip_doc/mtdevices.doc. After a succesful call to MTOPEN, the returned TAPEID is used to denote this tape device in further calls to MTIODEV routines. The following tape manipulation functions are available: MTOPEN Opens a tape device. MTCLOSE Closes an opened tape device. MTREW Rewinds an opened tape device. MTSTAT Returns status of an opened tape device. MTREAD Reads a block from an opened tape device. MTWRITE Writes a block to an opened device. MTFSF Forward spaces a tape mark on an opened device. MTBSF Backward spaces a tape mark on an opened device. MTFSR Forward spaces a block on an opened device MTBSR Backward spaces a block on an opened device MTWEOF Writes tape mark to an opened tape device. MTNAME Returns name (synonym) of tape device. Each routine is described in more detail in the appropriate document. Notes: For disktapes, files containing the real data may have any legal name (excluding and space). The correct filename should then be inserted in the tape.descriptor file, preceded by a @. Related Docs: rmtserver.dc1 Updates: Mar 27, 1990: KGB Document created. Oct 31, 1990: KGB Remote tapeserver implemented. Jun 24, 1991: PRR Implemented use of read-only disk-tapes. Oct 15, 1991: KGB Better implementation of mtopen. Dec 11, 1991: KGB Call to cancel replaced by call to reject. Jun 13, 1997: KGB Allowed non BSD compatible devices on solaris. Jan 22, 1998: KGB Implemented DLT on hpux. Nov 5, 1999: JPT Support generic DAT for Solaris. Feb 23, 2001: KGB Support DLT for Solaris. Jun 22, 2010: JPT Fix to prevent compilation failure on Apple.