Function: JULIANDAY Purpose: Convert a date in the Julian or Gregorian calendars into the corresponding Julian Day number. Category: COORDINATES File: julianday.c Author: M.G.R. Vogelaar Use: DOUBLE JULIANDAY( DAY, Input DOUBLE PRECISION MONTH, Input DOUBLE PRECISION YEAR, Input DOUBLE PRECISION ) DAY Day (with decimals) of input data MONTH Month of input data YEAR Year of input data. If year is entered with decimals, take DAY=0.0 and MONTH=0.0 Example: DOUBLE PRECISION JD JD = JULIANDAY( 0.0, 0.0, 1950.0 ) JD = JULIANDAY( 22.5, 9, 2000.0 ) Notes: The Julian Day begins at Greenwich mean noon that is at 12h Universal time (or 12h Ephemeris Time). After 15 October 1582, the Gregorian Calendar is used. Updates: Nov 6, 1992; VOG, Document created.