Subroutine: IRPL_PLATECENTER. Purpose: Delivering plate centres for the celestial sphere. File: irpl_standard.shl Author: 85 Aug 23 Wim van Oosterom. Use: call IRPL_PLATECENTER ( size I doubleprecision array (*), overlp I doubleprecision, nplate I/O integer, plcenter O doubleprecision array(2,nplate), plsize O doubleprecision array(2,nplate), ) size Size of a layer of square plates; overlp Size of overlap between plates; nplate Maximum nr. of plates allowed storage for, Nr. of plates actually returned; plcenter longitude and latitude of the plate (in radians) plsize lon. and lat. size of the plate (in radian) Description: IRPL_PLATECENTER starts at the equator with the first SIZE and goes up to the pole taking for each layer of plates the next SIZE. IRPL_PLATECENTER stops when the new centre would lie below the equator. The southern sky will be a symmetric copy of the northern sky. The caller is responsible to give enough plate sizes in size. This subroutine will produce a number of plate centres for the celestial sphere. The order of plates will be first the plates at the equator then the plates in layers above the equator fol- lowed by the plates in the layers below the equator in a symmetric way. The centers and the sizes are valid in any coordinate system; Both IRAS plate systems though are defined in the ECLIPTIC system of epoch 1983.5 Externals: ERROR, IRPL_CORNERS, IRCO_PLATE, IRCO_TRANSFORM Updates: 90 Jul 12 Do Kester, change in CALL and clean up 90 May 1 Sjag Steensma; documentation only, 89 Jan 09 Timo Prusti, unification of versions, 87 May 11 WvO, Repaired documentation error, 85 Dec 03 WvO, Forgotten declaration added.