Function: irlrs_pwm2permv Purpose: converts millivolts to pico Watt per square meter per micron. Category: IRAS LRS File: irlrs_const.c Author: P.R. Roelfsema Use: REAL IRLRS_PWM2PERMV( DETNO ) Input integer IRLRS_PWM2PERMV - returns scale factor in 10^-12 Wm^-2mu^-2/mV which can be used to convert LRS data from detector DETNO from mV to Wm-2mu-2. For in-valid DETNO 0.0 is returned. DETNO - detector number. Valid LRS detectors are 71, 72, 73 short wavelength and 74 and 75 long wavelength detectors. Updates: Nov 27, 1990: PRR, Creation date