Function: irlrs_lgain Purpose: applies in-scan gain correction for LRS data. Category: IRAS LRS File: irlrs_const.c Author: P.R. Roelfsema Use: IRLRS_LGAIN( DETNO , Input integer LAMBDA , Input real ( >= NDATA ) NDATA , Input integer DATA ) In/Out real ( >= NDATA ) IRLRS_LGAIN returns: -1 DETNO is not a legal LRS detector. 1 OK, DETNO is short wave detector. 2 OK, DETNO is long wave detector. DETNO - LRS detector number. LAMBDA - array containing wavelengths for which gain factors are to be calculated. NDATA - number of points for which gain is to be applied. DATA - data array to which gain factors are applied. Updates: Nov 28, 1990: PRR, Creation date