Function: irim_getpars Purpose: read destripe parameters from irds at (snip,sdet) Category: IRAS Author: Do Kester Use: int irim_getpars( fchar irds, IN: name of irds fint snip, IN: sequential snip numbers fint sdet, IN: sequential detector number float *cal, OU: parameters; BASE, DRIFT, GAIN fint nc, IN: maximum allowable number of params float *scale ) OU: stddev pertaining to this fit returns: >= 0 : number of destripe parameters found -1 : no parameters present where they should be. Comment: This routine is not callable in Fortran Updates: 09 Jun 1992: DK, Creation date 28 Jan 1993: DK, testoutput also includes gain 15 Apr 1994: JPT, call gdst_abslevel_c instead of gds___abslev_c