Subroutine: IRDS_EXTEND Purpose: extends an existing IRDS with one snip File: irds_basic.c Author: Do Kester Use: CALL IRDS_EXTEND( IRDS, I character*(*) SOP, I integer OBS, I integer ATT, I integer SCANTYPE, I character*(*) SCANCAL, I integer SCANDUR, I integer SNIPCAL, I integer SNIPDUR, I integer PSI, I real PSIRATE, I real THETA, I real STATUS ) O integer IRDS name of (existing) irds to extend SOP sop number of the extending snip OBS observation number of snip ATT attitude block number of snip SCANTYPE SCANCAL satcal at the beginning of the original scan SCANDUR duration in ticks of the original scan SNIPCAL ticks since scancal to begin of snip SNIPDUR duration in ticks of the snip PSI intended psi at scancal PSIRATE intended rate in psi during scan THETA intended theta of scan STATUS 0 : OK. -1 : cannot find irds -2 : snipdur is too long -3 : other error while extending Description: The existing irds is extended with one snip. The obligatory header items are filled in at the snip level. The number of snips at the top level is increased by one. The pixels are undefined. Externals: Updates: 23/02/90 DK, document creation 18/03/92 FL, OBS and SCANTYPE added, PLATNR and NPLATES removed