Subroutine: IRCO_PROTWIST Purpose: Project points and twist angles onto a plane. File: irproject.shl. Author: Do Kester Use: call IRCO_PROTWIST( prid, I integer, xyz, I doubleprecision array (3,N), twv, I/S doubleprecision array (3,N), x, O doubleprecision array (n), y, O doubleprecision array (n), t, O doubleprecision array (n), n I integer. ) prid a projections system number (see IRCO_PRNAME), xyz 3-dimensional coordinates of the points on the sphere, twv 3-dimensional coordinates of the twistangles on the sphere, x, y the corresponding coordinates on the plane, t the projected twist angles on the plane n number of points to be projected. Description: The xyz-vectors are projected using IRCO_PROJECT. To find the projected twist angles a small fraction of the twist angle vector (length: 3.85 arcmin) is added to the xyz-vector to simulate the shift in xyz during one second. The resulting vector is projected too and the twist angle is calculated from the difference between the original and the shifted projections. The twv-vector is used as scartch space; it is destroyed. References: IRCPO_PROJECT IRCO_PRNAME. Updates: