Name: GRSLS Purpose: set line style Category: GRAPHICS File: pgplot.src Author: T.J. Pearson Use: see description below. Description: SUBROUTINE GRSLS (IS) INTEGER IS GRPCKG: Set the line style for subsequent plotting on the current device. The different line styles are generated in hardware on some devices and by GRPCKG software for the other devices. Five different line styles are available, with the following codes: 1 (full line), 2 (dashed), 3 (dot-dash-dot-dash), 4 (dotted), 5 (dash-dot-dot-dot). The default is 1 (normal full line). Line style is ignored when drawing characters, which are always drawn with a full line. Argument: IS (input, integer): the line-style code for subsequent plotting on the current device (in range 1-5). Updates: Oct 16, 1998: JPT automatically extracted from source.