Name: GRMKER Purpose: draw graph markers Category: GRAPHICS File: pgplot.src Author: T.J. Pearson Use: see description below. Description: SUBROUTINE GRMKER (SYMBOL,ABSXY,N,X,Y) GRPCKG: Draw a graph marker at a set of points in the current window. Line attributes (color, intensity, and thickness) apply to markers, but line-style is ignored. After the call to GRMKER, the current pen position will be the center of the last marker plotted. Arguments: SYMBOL (input, integer): the marker number to be drawn. Numbers 0-31 are special marker symbols; numbers 32-127 are the corresponding ASCII characters (in the current font). If the number is >127, it is taken to be a Hershey symbol number. If -ve, a regular polygon is drawn. ABSXY (input, logical): if .TRUE., the input corrdinates (X,Y) are taken to be absolute device coordinates; if .FALSE., they are taken to be world coordinates. N (input, integer): the number of points to be plotted. X, Y (input, real arrays, dimensioned at least N): the (X,Y) coordinates of the points to be plotted. Updates: Oct 16, 1998: JPT automatically extracted from source.