Name: GRFA Purpose: fill area (polygon) Category: GRAPHICS File: pgplot.src Author: T.J. Pearson Use: see description below. Description: SUBROUTINE GRFA (N,PX,PY) INTEGER N REAL PX(*), PY(*) GRPCKG: FILL AREA: fill a polygon with solid color. The polygon is defined by the (x,y) world coordinates of its N vertices. If this is not a function supported by the device, shading is accomplished by drawing horizontal lines spaced by 1 pixel. By selecting color index 0, the interior of the polygon can be erased on devices which permit it. The polygon need not be convex, but if it is re-entrant (i.e., edges intersect other than at the vertices), it may not be obvious which regions are "inside" the polygon. The following rule is applied: for a given point, create a straight line starting at the point and going to infinity. If the number of intersections between the straight line and the polygon is odd, the point is within the polygon; otherwise it is outside. If the straight line passes a polygon vertex tangentially, the intersection count is not affected. The only attribute which applies to FILL AREA is color index: line-width and line-style are ignored. There is a limitation on the complexity of the polygon: GFA will fail if any horizontal line intersects more than 32 edges of the polygon. Arguments: N (input, integer): the number of vertices of the polygon (at least 3). PX, PY (input, real arrays, dimension at least N): world coordinates of the N vertices of the polygon. Updates: Oct 16, 1998: JPT automatically extracted from source.