Name: GRCTOI Purpose: convert character string to integer Category: GRAPHICS File: pgplot.src Author: T.J. Pearson Use: see description below. Description: INTEGER FUNCTION GRCTOI (S, I) CHARACTER*(*) S INTEGER I GRCTOI: attempt to read an integer from a character string, and return the result. No attempt is made to avoid integer overflow. A valid integer is any sequence of decimal digits. Returns: GRCTOI : the value of the integer; if the first character read is not a decimal digit, the value returned is zero. Arguments: S (input) : character string to be parsed. I (in/out) : on input, I is the index of the first character in S to be examined; on output, either it points to the next character after a valid integer, or it is equal to LEN(S)+1. Updates: Oct 16, 1998: JPT automatically extracted from source.