Subroutine: GDST_PRIME Purpose: Change hash table size for sets to be created. Author: J.P. Terlouw Category: GDS File: gds_tune.c Use: CALL GDST_PRIME ( SIZE ) Input INTEGER SIZE = approximate size of hash table in sets which are created after this call. Description: This routine can be used if the descriptor file is expected to contain a large number of descriptor items. Increasing the hash table makes retrieval of descriptor items more efficient. (The size of the hash table does NOT restrict the possible number of items in any way.) As a rule of thumb, the hash table size should be of the same order of magnitude as the number of expected descriptor items. The default hash table size is defined by a constant in the GDS server code (now 311). This default can be re-established by calling GDST_PRIME with size=0. The size of the hash table can later be optimized by calling GDS_OPTIMIZE. Setting the size before opening is however more efficient. Updates: 26-May-87 original document 20-Sep-89 implementation in C 1-Mar-94 modified for GDS server