Name: GDSD_Wxxx Purpose: Write FITS data field File: gdsd_wfits.shl Category: GDS Author: J.P. Terlouw Use: CALL GDSD_Wxxx ( file_id, name, level, value, *error ) xxx can be REAL, DBLE, INT, LOG or CHAR, depending upon type of `value'. file_id = file identifier, CHARACTER name = name of FITS item. CHARACTER*8 level = coordinate word specifying the substructure at which the FITS item is to be written. INTEGER value = variable containing the data for the FITS record. Depending on `xxx', the type can be REAL, DOUBLE, INTEGER, LOGICAL or CHARACTER*(*). * error = error return code, INTEGER If this routine writes to an existing FITS item, only the value field is changed; the comment field is not affected. Updates: 25-May-87 original document 14-Dec-89 adjusted to GPS Feb 24, 2010: JPT, support up to 68 characters in GDSD_WCHAR