Name: GDSD_Rxxx Purpose: Read FITS data field File: gdsd_wfits.shl Category: GDS Author: J.P. Terlouw Use: CALL GDSD_Rxxx ( file_id, name, level, value, *error ) xxx can be REAL, DBLE, INT, LOG or CHAR, depending upon type of `value'. file_id = file identifier, CHARACTER name = name of FITS item. CHARACTER*8 level = coordinate word specifying the substructure from which the FITS item is to be obtained. If it is not present at this level, higher levels are inspected until the item is found or proven to be not present. INTEGER value = variable receiving the data from the FITS record. Depending on `xxx', the type can be REAL, DOUBLE, INTEGER, LOGICAL or CHARACTER*(*). If a number was requested in a different format than has been stored in the file, it is converted to the requested type (integers are rounded) and an error code is returned. * error = error return code, INTEGER -21 : number conversion error -22 : incompatible type or level where item was found if call was succesful. Updates: 25-May-87 original document 14-Dec-89 changed to GPS 03-Jan-01 eliminated error codes -45, -46 and -47 Feb 24, 2010: JPT, support up to 68 characters in GDSD_RCHAR