Document: GDSA_TABLE Purpose: Describes GDS Table System. Category: TABLES File: gdsa_table.c Author: K.G. Begeman Description: A table consists of a number of columns which are identified by names. Each column can have a number of items (called rows) which are all of the same data type and in the same (physical) units. The items (rows) in a column are stored sequentially in a record-like GDS descriptor. The following conventions are used: 1) a table name has a maximum length of eight characters 2) a column name has a maximum length of eight characters 3) a descriptor name "T_tablename_columnname!" holds the column header. The column header has three variable length records which contain: - data type stored in column (see notes) - comments for the column only - physical units of data in column 4) a descriptor name "T_tablename_columnname?" holds the column data 5) a descriptor name "T_tablename_????????#" holds comments for the whole table Notes: 1) The column type can be one of the following types: CHARn characters, n being the number of characters per item. n cannot be greater then 132. INT integers LOG logicals REAL single precision floating point numbers DBLE double precision floating point numbers 2) Error codes: Any non-negative number indicates a successful completion of the operation. Negative values indicate that an error has occured. error routines meaning -66 all descriptor file not present -67 GDSA_CRECOL illegal data type GDSA_RCxxx wrong data type in column GDSA_WCxxx wrong data type in column -68 GDSA_RCxxx reading past end of information -69 GDSA_WCxxx attempt to skip rows in writing -70 GDSA_RDCOM end of information -71 GDSA_TABLIS number of items in list too small GDSA_TABINQ number of items in list too small 3) The following routines are now available: GDSA_TABINQ gives information about a GDS table GDSA_TABLIS list all tables present in a GDS descriptor file GDSA_DELTAB deletes a table GDSA_COLINQ gives information about columns in a table GDSA_WRCOM write comments to a GDS table GDSA_RDCOM reads comment from a GDS table GDSA_CRECOL creates a column in a GDS table GDSA_DELCOL deletes a column from a GDS table GDSA_WCCHAR writes character*n items to a column GDSA_WCINT " " integer " " " " GDSA_WCLOG " " logical " " " " GDSA_WCREAL " " real " " " " GDSA_WCDBLE " " double " " " " GDSA_RCCHAR reads character*n items from a column GDSA_RCINT " " integer " " " " GDSA_RCLOG " " logical " " " " GDSA_RCREAL " " real " " " " GDSA_RCDBLE " " double " " " " GDSA_ISTABLE determines whether a GDS descriptor contains table info. Updates: Jul 28, 1987: KGB original document created. Feb 18, 1989: KGB Some major changes in column types. Nov 13, 1990: KGB Converted to C. Mar 23, 1994: JPT modified for use with GDS server.