Subroutine: GDS___PACK Purpose: pack a grid value into a coordinate word Category: GDS File: gds___unpack.c Author: W. Zwitser Use: CALL GDS___PACK( SET, Input character COORD_WORD, In/Out integer GRID, Input integer IAX, Input integer ERR ) In/Out integer SET name of set COORD_WORD coordinate word in which grid value is packed GRID grid value IAX axis number of grid value ( 0 ... N-1 with N axes ) ERR = 0 : successful -34 : grid < minimum or grid > maximum (limited) -35 : grid > maximum of last axis (limited) In this case the axis can be extended. Pack a grid coordinate only after a call gds___unpack with err=-19 to check whether this axis is undefined. Updates: Dec 5, 1989: WZ, migrated to C Oct 31, 1990: WZ, 'naxis', etc. from setsta -> dsc_file Mar 23, 1994: JPT, modified to cooperate with GDS server