Document: gdilib Purpose: Describes the available routines which handle the display. Category: DISPLAY File: gdilib.c Author: K.G. Begeman Description: The available routines are: GDI_BLANKCOL Sets the colors for BLANKS values. GDI_CINFO Gets info about the color tables of the display. GDI_CLOSE Closes an opened display device. GDI_COLGET Obtains color Look Up Table from the display. GDI_COLPUT Sends a color Look Up Table to the display. GDI_DEFIMG Defines the sizes and scaling of a display image. GDI_ERROR Generates error messages for gdi error codes. GDI_FRAME Obtains info about frame currently on display. GDI_GDSID Sends GDS set name and subset level to SERVER. GDI_GETLUT Obtains the current colors. GDI_GINFO Obtains info about the graphics planes. GDI_GRCLEAR Clears graphics planes. GDI_GRCOL Sets the color for a graphics plane. GDI_GROFF Turns graphics planes off. GDI_GRON Turns graphics planes on. GDI_GRREAD Gets the graphics data. GDI_GRREGION Lets user define a region in graphics planes. GDI_GRWRITE Puts the graphics data. GDI_IDLEN Returns maximum length of id. GDI_IINFO Obtains info about GDS image loaded in SERVER. GDI_IINFO2 Obtains info about GDS image loaded in SERVER. GDI_IMMID Main identification of image. GDI_IMSID Sub identification of image. GDI_IMWRITE Sends display data to server. GDI_MHEAD Creates an image header from a GDS set. GDI_OPEN Opens a display. GDI_OPEN2 Opens a display only if the SERVER is running. GDI_PGPLOT PGPLOT interface routines. GDI_RECORD Records the images currently on the display. GDI_REMOVE Removes a recorded image. GDI_RINFO Obtains info about the number of recorded images. GDI_RMASK Obtain mask of recorded images. GDI_SEQUENCE Set playback sequence for recorded images. GDI_SETID Creates main and sub id from gds subset. GDI_SETXGRID Set text for displaying x grids instead of numbers. GDI_SETYGRID Set text for displaying y grids instead of numbers. GDI_SAVE Saves image currently displayed. GDI_RESTORE Restores image previously saved. Updates: Jan 11, 1990: KGB Document created. Nov 19, 1997: KGB Routines GDI_SAVE/GDI_RESTORE. May 31, 2010: JPT Disabled display name mangling.