Function: FTSD_INSERT Purpose: Inserts record of DESCRIPTOR in HEADER. Category: FITS File: ftsd_access.c Author: Sjag Steensma (K.G. Begeman) Use: INTEGER FTSD_INSERT( HEADER, Input CHARACTER*(*) DESCRIPTOR, Input CHARACTER*(*) RECORD ) input CHARACTER*(*) FTSD_INSERT Returns: >=0 : Offset of record used in header -4 : No room in header. HEADER Contains FITS header to put record in DESCRIPTOR FITS search descriptor RECORD Record to put in record of DESCRIPTOR in HEADER. Description: FTSD_INSERT looks for a record with descriptor DESCRIPTOR. If found, RECORD is copied to the record found. If not found, a record with a blank descriptor is searched. If found, RECORD is copied there else -4 is returned. The descriptors COMMENT and HISTORY are always added to the header (i.e. a blank descriptor is searched) since these descriptors may occur more than once in a header. Updates: Aug 14, 1990: Sjag; document created.