Function: fts_skipfil Purpose: Skip FITS files forwards or backwards. Category: FITS File: fts_io.c Author: Peter Roelfsema Use: FTS_SKIPFIL( MTID, input INTEGER, NSKIP ) input/output INTEGER. FTS_SKIPFIL Returns: >0 - the absolute number of files skipped -1 .. -10 - tape error (see MTIODEV.DC2) -13 - Begin of tape (NSKIP < 0 ) - End of tape (NSKIP > 0 ) MTID A device ID as obtained from MTOPEN NSKIP Number of files to skip forward (NSKIP>0) or backward (NSKIP<0). NSKIP=0 will result in a skip to begin of current file. Description: FTS_SKIPFIL Skips nskip FITS files. Returned is the number of files skipped or some error as detected by tape io routines. If tape contains less then nskip files, the number returned is smaller than nskip! Updates: Oct 29, 1990: PRR, Original document.