Function: FIEPAR Purpose: Defines the parameter names for the next call to FIEINI. Category: MATH File: fie.c Author: K.G. Begeman Use: INTEGER FIEPAR( PARNAMES , Input CHARACTER*(*) ARRAY NPARS ) Input INTEGER FIEPAR Returns 0 on success, otherwise: -1: Too many parameters, max = 32. PARNAMES The parameter names. Each name has a maximum of 16 characters. NPARS The number of parameter names in PARNAMES. Notes: FIEPAR does not check whether the parameter names are unique. If a parameter name with the same name as a built-in constant or function is used, the former will supersede the latter. Updates: Mar 19, 1991: KGB Document created. Feb 7, 1997: JPT Named parameters supersede built-in constants. jun 26, 1998: VOG Increased MAXFIECODE from 100 to 256