Function: factor Purpose: Factor returns the conversion factor between two different units (i.e. M en KM) Category: PHYSICAL COORDINATES File: factor.c Author: K.G. Begeman Use: INTEGER FACTOR( CUNIT1 , Input CHARACTER*(*) CUNIT2 , Input CHARACTER*(*) CFACT ) Output DOUBLE PRECISION CUNIT1 Type of unit to convert from. The units can be abbreviated, i.e enough characters must be given to find a unique match in a list of known units. CUNIT2 Type of unit to convert to. CFACT Factor to convert from CUNIT1 to CUNIT2. FACTOR Returns: 0: successful conversion 51: unknown units to convert from 52: unknown units to convert to 53: both units are unknown 54: incompatible units 55: ambiguous units to convert from 56: ambiguous units to convert to Notes: The following type of units are implemented: DEGREE ARCSEC ARCMIN RADIAN CIRCLE DMSSEC DMSMIN DMSDEG HMSSEC HMSMIN HMSHOUR METER ANGSTROM NM MICRON MM CM INCH FOOT YARD M KM MILE PC KPC MPC AU LYR TICK SECOND MINUTE HOUR DAY YEAR YR HZ KHZ MHZ GHZ M/S MM/S CM/S KM/S K MK W/M2/HZ JY MJY TAU JOULE J EV ERG RY Updates: Dec 23, 1989: KGB, document created. May 9, 1995: VOG, minimal match. DMSSEC/MIN/DEG, HMSSEC/MIN/HOUR Mar 25, 2009: JPT, improved minimal match Mar 29, 2009: VOG, units for energy added (WCSLIB) and updated value for pc. Also added au and lyr