Function: ELLIPSE1 Purpose: Routine which gives an initial estimate for an ellipse to N points in the array X,Y. Category: MATH File: ellipse1.c Author: K.G. Begeman Use: INTEGER ELLIPSE1( N , Input INTEGER X , Input REAL ARRAY Y , Input REAL ARRAY P ) Output REAL ARRAY ELLIPSE1 Returns 0 when successfull, and 1 on error N Number of points in X and Y. X Array with X-coordinates. Y Array with Y-coordinates. P Estimated ellipse parameters: P(1) = radius P(2) = inclination (0..90 degrees) P(3) = X0 (centre) P(4) = Y0 (centre) P(5) = position angle of major axis (0..180 degrees) w.r.t. Y axis. Related Docs: ellipse2.dc2 Updates: Jan 23, 1991: KGB Document created.