Function: DPFPFL Purpose: Converts Double Precision Floating Point numbers from Foreign format to Local format. Category: DATA File: floating.c Author: K.G. Begeman Use: INTEGER DPFPFL( DTYPE , Input INTEGER DIN , Input DOUBLE PRECISION ARRAY DOUT , Output DOUBLE PRECISION ARRAY ND ) Input INTEGER DPFPFL Returns the number of zeroes inserted because input doubles cannot be represented in local doubles, or -1 if DTYPE is unknown. DTYPE Type of foreign format: 0: IEEE High Endian format (BLANK=-Inf) 1: IEEE Low Endian format (BLANK=-Inf) 2: CONVEX native format 3: VMS D_floating format 4: VMS F_floating format 5: IEEE High Endian format (BLANK=-DBL_MAX) 6: IEEE Low Endian format (BLANK=-DBL_MAX) DIN Input array containing the doubles to be converted. DOUT Output double array containing the converted doubles in local format. ND Number of doubles in DIN and DOUT. Updates: May 16, 1991: KGB, Document created. Mar 29, 1993: KGB, Types 5 and 6 added.