Function: DCDDBLE Purpose: Decodes a string of characters into doubles. Category: MATH, UTILITY, USER-INTERFACE File: herinp.c Author: K.G. Begeman Use: INTEGER DCDDBLE( EXPR, Input CHARACTER*(*) OUTV, Output DOUBLE PRESICION ARRAY NOUT, Input INTEGER IERH ) Input INTEGER DCDDBLE Returns number of doubles actually decoded. EXPR Character string containing the expressions to be evaluated. OUTV Array of doubles containing the decoded values. NOUT Dimension of OUTV. IERH Error return code. A list of error codes is given in HERINP.DC2. Notes: 1. The syntax of the input for this routine is described in document INPUT.DC2 Updates: Oct 13, 1988: KGB, Document created. Jul 25, 1994: JPT, Delegate decoding to decodedble_c for GIPSY tasks.